Rádio Interativa FM 87

by Matutos Soluções

Music & Audio


The first radio in the city of Cabeceiras began in October 2000 on the initiative of brothers Leandr...

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The first radio in the city of Cabeceiras began in October 2000 on the initiative of brothers Leandro and Leonardo Magela Souto, born in Cabeceira Grande (MG), a city located about 40 kilometers from Cabeceiras (GO). The radio went on air for the first tests of the equipment at a home belonging to a friend of the Minas Gerais brothers on Rua das Gardênias in Bairro Redenção. At that time they had technical problems. Soon after in October of the same year, Leandro and Leonardo carried out the second test, and this time successfully, the equipment worked within 4 hours. Soon the population of Cabeceira realized that there was an FM radio in the city with a frequency of 93.1 MHz. It was born at that moment with just three announcers: Chris Panerari, Dj Jabá and DJ Fábio, one of the citys greatest achievements of all time, “a radio station radio". It didnt take long for Leandro and Leonardo Magela to begin legalizing the station. They brought together some people from the community and formed ACERC – GO (Community Educational and Broadcasting Association of Cabeceiras Goiás). The following year (2001) the entity obtained authorization from ANATEL for provisional operation. After almost two years, in 2002 the small team of announcers, associates and directors were able to celebrate, as they gained the legal functioning of ACERC, which soon came to have the fancy name “interactive” and the official frequency “87.9 MHz ”. But dont think it was easy, until the final achievement a lot happened, several campaigns were carried out asking for donations, from the simplest to the most successful businesspeople in the city contributed to the construction of the history of this station. We highlight some special thanks: Rural union, municipal, state, federal authorities and city commerce. In 2005, businessman and rural producer Lauri José Philippsen contributed to the association by making the largest investment ever received, and from then on, what was already a great achievement became even better, major innovations were implemented, renovation of the building, purchase of state-of-the-art equipment, vehicles and the formation of a team capable of bringing the best programming to the listener. Interativa has a team of approximately 15 members, a diverse and carefully designed programming schedule to serve listeners of all ages and social classes, and can be heard throughout the city via FM 87.9 MHz and throughout the world via the website www.interativa87.net. The programming is made up of 70% local, regional, state, national and international information with the contribution of several news agencies in the country, such as: Agência Rádio Web, Radio2, ABRAÇO-GO, Rede Metrópole, Faeg, Jornalista Libório Santos and Radio Agency. With these agencies, the listener stays up to date with the news that interests them. Local information is produced by the stations announcers who work impartially to deliver true and concrete news. With the radio, the population has their freedom of expression respected where they can praise, criticize, denounce and demand improvements in their neighborhood or throughout the city. Interativa, during its 14 years on air, contributed significantly to the citys growth and gained the complete trust of the population who rely on the broadcaster every day to seek solutions to problems. As a result, the municipal authorities have been concerned and, faced with complaints from listeners, have sought to resolve or inform society. The "I Need Help" framework has helped with the great collaboration of the population, entities, associations and public bodies, hundreds of people in serious situations regarding health, food, housing and, among others, with collections. This is a very affectionate connection with the listener and which carries the motto “Work and Success”.